Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Tune A Drum Set

How To Tune A Drum Set

One of the most essential skills every drummer must know is how to tune their drumset. The reality is, most drummers do not know how to properly tune their kit; resulting in a poor sound. A drum kit can cost a lot of money, so why not make it sound the best it can! Let me try and uncover the mystery of tuning your drums. It is actually not a very hard thing to do at all, so do not think you need to be a professional drummer before you can master this skill. Take the time in your regular practice to learn how to tune your drums the right way; you will be happy you did. If you have tuned your drum set as much as you can and you are still getting a poor sound, you may want to check out the article on drum set muffling; here you will learn of other ways to maximize the sound of your drum set. 

The first thing you need to realize about drum tuning is that it is a very personal thing. Having the right drum sound is completely up to what you are looking for. Depending on what style of music you play, you could want your drums tuned to many different tones. Now that being said, there are a few rules that you must consider when tuning. There are a few steps you must take in order to maximize your tone, resonance and endurance of your drum head. So let’s get started.

Tuning Your Drum Kit

Tuning one drum is the same as tuning them all. The same steps and procedures should be taken to ensure the best sound from any drum you are playing. Let’s say we are tuning a tom drum. Let’s start at the absolute beginning; seating the drum head on the shell. Before you even place the head on the drum, make sure you wipe down both the rim and the head. Any unwanted dirt or chips will cause an uneven sound on the tom. So with a towel, just wipe around the rim of the drum. The next step is obviously seating the drum head on the drum. Once this is done, and the rim is placed over top; screw in the tension rods hand tight. You do not want to screw them in to much right now, or you can throw off the tuning process. This step is just for positioning the rods.

Once all the rods are secure, you want to stretch out your drum head. This is an important step to do; it will strengthen and stretch out your skin as well as help it maintain its tuning once it is found. To do this, simply make a fist, and press down in the middle of the drum. Do not press to hard, you do not want to damage your skin. This is the same idea as a guitarist stretching out his new strings before he tunes. Now you are finally ready to tune!

This process is similar to installing a new tire on your car. To make sure there is no unbalance, you will have to tighten the tension rods opposite to each other. The best way to do this is to start at any rod, and tighten a few turns with your drum key. Once that is complete, locate the tension rod opposite to that one and repeat the process. Do this until each rod is secure and tight. Try to keep each turn uniform by counting the amount of rotations and imitate that on each tension rod. Here is a diagram of the tightening process:

As you can see, each tension rod is tuned opposite of each other. Start at A, and work your way around the drum.

Once each rod is tightened, try striking the drum. Chances are you will not get the right sound on your first try. This is where you have to start fine tuning. Pick a tension rod to start at, and tap the head around 2 inches from that rod. Again, use the diagram and tap each rod opposite to each other. Try and hear for any inconsistent sounds. If there are any tones that are not even, tune each tension rod accordingly. Remember this is a fine process, tuning a half a turn will change the sound to the whole drum.

Like I said above, each drummer has his/her own preference with sound depending on what style of music they are playing. Whatever the sound you are going for, follow these simple steps. Remember that tuning your drums can be a long process; being patient and diligent will reward you in the end. Do not worry if you cannot get a solid sound out of your drum, a lot of times the room your drums are in can have a huge impact on the sound of the drums. Once you have the best sound you can get from your drums, it's time to start learning some new beats and grooves! Check out the beginners section to learn how to play the drums. When you have this down, you can start learning some other concepts like the double bass drum, and drum rudiments!

You can also check out the resource for more details on how to tune drums.
Learn exactly how to tune drums with the complete Drumming System!

How To Tune A Drum Set

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Important Of Drums

Important Of Drums

Drummers are the most underrated members of a band. In the immortal band of all bands, the most popular Beatles were John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals) and Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals). Until today, the popular ones are those holding the guitars and microphones. In the Beatles, Ringo Starr was quite like a footnote when we talk about the whole band. Little did people know that it was the addition of Ringo Starr - who then replaced Pete Best - which made the crucial impact in making The Beatles the music legend that it is today.

The drum is not just a cool instrument. It is a vital component to the desired sound of a certain band. For this reason, drum players should really be adept on how to play drum - should know it like the back of their hands - before they can play with a band. In pop culture, drum is popular in heavy metal and rock music. 

Without drums and guitars, a rock band will sound dry and dispassionate. Consequently, leaning how to play drum is not just for kids possessing exceptional musical inclinations. Adults who are enthusiasts of the instrument can also learn to play drums for leisure and the occasional performances to friends. The advent of modern technology has made the drum an instrument for everybody. All people can learn to play the percussion instrument through the use of online instructions and video lessons. 

There is no feeling of embarrassment for people at any age in learning to play drums because they can learn it by themselves in front of their computer. The combined approach of video, audio, text, and graphics make it easier to learn drums fast.

Important Of Drums

How to Play Drum Fills and Doing It Correctly

How to Play Drum Fills and Doing It Correctly

Most of the time, how to play drum fills is a test of a drummer's ability to showcase his strength as an artist. It is a perfect opportunity for him to show his versatility, musicality and improvisation skills that are not usually given for drummers. In a concert performance, it is always the vocal soloist who gets noticed. The bands are usually behind to compliment the vocal showcase of the performer. Same is the case during an instrumental presentation. For rock music, bands are given some leverage and drummers usually get the limelight during drum fills. But what are the correct ways of playing drum fills?

A drummer's opportunity to shine is often related whenever he does a drum fill in a song. Also known as "drum break", it is a time to show his skills, doing a solo performance to promote a better transition from one song to the next. However, be reminded that there is a difference between a drum fill to a drum solo. So, how do you play fills? First of all, you need to know where you are going to play it. There are different parts where you can do it. An intro fill is where you play before the song starts, while an outro fill is where you play a small fill towards the song's end. The most common is the transition fill that is used when there is a change in the song from the verse, to the chorus or vice-versa.

Once you've determined where to do it, you need to determine how long you would play it. Oftentimes, this can be based on the drummers preference, but for fast songs, it is common to play 2 bar fill. Be able to know your transitions and how long it would be to make the right length of your fill. Start by playing a basic rock beat, usually the typical 1-2-3-4 or the 1-and-2-and-3-and-4 pattern. You need to keep this basic beat with the snare, the bass and hi-hats, and continuously doing it in a four bar phrase. 

The beginner fills will be played on the fourth bar of the fourth round. You can start by playing the snare, the cymbals or the toms. Make sure not to cut the bar short or make it too long. You'll begin to see how this works as you repeat the process.

One important thing to consider when doing a fill is to be consistent in the timing. It should never offset the beat of the main song. It should enhance the music and not create an out-of-place fill. Drum fills are the drummer's creation but should match the style of music being played. A fast paced rock beat can be improved by striking the tom and adding quick fillers, capping it off with the sound of the cymbals. 

During transitions, the drum fills end by the start of the new section, and it overflows with a crash cymbal sounding as the new section of the song begins. Usually, small breaks occur at the end of the line of the lyrics. However, small breaks need small fills which often include one or two extra drum notes. Practice is important especially in familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals in making it sound good. Familiarity with different styles and determining how other drummers perform their fills are great help for you to develop your own fills.

Knowing how to play drum fills are a great way to widen your artistic license whenever you play for a performance. It highlights your creativity as well as shows your progress in becoming a good drummer. The key to be successful in doing this task is continuous practice and exposure to various forms of fills. Listening to how other drummers creatively perform their fills can be a great start for you to master the fundamentals and thus create your own signature drum fills.

How to Play Drum Fills and Doing It Correctly

Thoughts on Playing Drum Solos

Thoughts on Playing Drum Solos

When I first started playing the drums, I used to think of playing solos as my time to shine, so I would throw in every lick I knew indiscriminately and with no thought to how everything sounded together. This would usually happen when there was a drum set in the room and someone would say, "You play the drums, right? Play something." The end result was usually less than stellar. Here are some tips that have helped me over the years with playing drum solos.

First of all, this may seem obvious but plan out your solos in advance. Have something worked out ahead of time. Even if you plan to improvise your solos on the spot, the more you practice coming up with something, the better you'll get at it.

Think of your solo like a song. It has a form and one part leads to another. It helps to write out the different parts so you can see how your solo progresses. And just like songwriters write more than one song, you don't have to have only one solo. You can have one that is melodic and another that is bombastic, etc. This will help with the urge to play everything you know in one solo.

I also highly recommend you record yourself. That way you can let your creativity flow without editing yourself as you play. Sometimes what you actually play sounds different than what you thought you played.

With all of this in mind, here are some specific things you can work into your solos. This is not a definitive list but feel free to use these ideas if they sound good to you.


A good way to get started is to play an interesting beat for a certain amount of measures and then play different fills for a certain amount of measures. For example, play a beat for three measures and play a fill for the fourth. Keep repeating that pattern while you work up your solo and then change to playing the beat for two measures and fill for two measures. Then play the beat for one measure and fill for three measures.


Play a rhythmic figure on a part of your kit and try to answer what you played on a different part of the kit with a different rhythmic figure. Think of two drummers trading licks and emulate that by yourself on different parts of the kit.


You can get some good ideas in general by moving what you're playing to different parts of the kit. For example, play a two-handed 16th note beat with one hand on the ride cymbal and the other on the hi hat. You can also get some interesting tribal patterns by playing the same two handed 16th note beat and moving your hands to your toms. Experiment with alternate stickings to make the beat more melodic. Besides changing the phrasing to other drums, you can also modulate the time (for example, play your phrase in 3/4 instead of 4/4) or change tempos for a portion of the solo.


An ostinato is a repeating rhythmic phrase. You can play an ostinato (like a bossa nova or a clave rhythm) with your feet while you solo with your hands. In essence you are accompanying your solo with the ostinato.


These can definitely add some spice to your solos. Polyrhythms are when you play two different rhythms at the same time. This can add a sense of tension to parts of your solo.
Crossovers are simply when you play a figure where one hand crosses over the other. This can add a big visual appeal.

Pitch bends are when you push down on a drum with one stick while striking it with the other. The more pressure you apply with the stick, the high in pitch it will be when you strike it. This can give you timpani like sound.

And you can orchestrate the 40 drum rudiments around the kit to come up with some really interesting and impressive ideas.


One of the most important things a solo can have is dynamics. Make sure the different sections of your solo vary dynamically. If everything is loud or if everything is soft, the solo will lose people's interests.


If your solo is part of a song, make the solo fit the style that you're playing. You can actually sing the melody of the song to yourself and play the phrasing. If possible, you can have other band members join you by playing percussion or just accompany you with their instruments during your solo. You may want to get the audience involved in some way. Get them to clap along or get them to respond to a figure you just played.


Another great source for ideas is to watch and listen to great drummers. Watch drum videos and go see great drummers play live. Take what you like and experiment with it to make it your own.
I hope these suggestions help you to work out your masterpiece so you'll have something great when someone says, "You play the drums. Play something." and more importantly so that you'll have something to contribute to a show when you are asked to play a solo.

Thoughts on Playing Drum Solos

Learn to Play Drums - Top Tips to Get You Started

Learn to Play Drums - Top Tips to Get You Started

Set-up- When starting to learn to play drums it is essential to set up the kids drum set properly, to ensure that all the drums and cymbals are comfortably within reach and at the correct height to avoid over reaching. The snare drum should be positioned between the legs at about waist height when sitting. The high-hat just to the left of the snare with the cymbals about 4" above the snare. The high tom tom(s) in front and slightly above the snare sloping towards you and the Floor tom tom on your right at the same height as the snare.

Tuning - Like any other instrument a kids drum kit needs to be tuned to give the best sound. Starting with the base drum, which should be tuned to low E by adjusting the tension of the lugs around the rim. Next is the floor tom tom followed by the high tom tom(s) so that the sound of each drum is slightly higher than the last. The snare drum has a sound all of its own, created by the coiled wires stretched across the bottom skin. Be careful not to over tighten the top skin as this will reduce the natural bounce of the stick.

Dampening - Most base drums and tom toms on a kids drum kit will produce a noticeable ring when struck, which can be very annoying and detract from the overall sound. I would recommend using felt strips stretched across and under the top skins (you will need to remove the top skins to do this). This will help to absorb the ring and give a satisfying thump when played.

Practice - When you learn to play drums, don't try to run before you can walk, it will take time and a lot of practice to become proficient. Start slowly just getting used to the base peddle and high-hat. Play 4 beats to the bar with the base peddle and 2 beats on the high-hat, the 2 & 3rd beat. Then introduce the snare drum with your left hand (if right handed) on the same beat as the high-hat, this is called the off beat. The base drum is being played On the beat and the high-hat and snare on the Off beat. Now you can try to play 4 beats to the bar on the ride cymbal with your right hand to match the base drum. Congratulations you have now mastered the basic 4/4 rhythm.

Finally look for some inspiration, listen and watch some great technical drumming from great artists. My personal favourite is Buddy Rich, arguably one of the best jazz drummers of his time, who unfortunately passed away in 1987. He was a great roll model and if you are serious about learning to play drums, his technique was amazing. Check out the link to the video clip in my resource box below and be inspired.

Learn to Play Drums - Top Tips to Get You Started

Five Ways on How You Can Learn to Play Drums Like the Masters

Five Ways on How You Can Learn to Play Drums Like the Masters

Your success depends on the strength of your desire. "What your mind can conceive, you can achieve".

It may sound like cliche, but if you will relentlessly pursue your dream to become a good drummer, you can be. Learn to play drums as much as you can, and in every opportunity that comes your way. Here are five ways on how you can set out to meet your dream on the right foot:

1. Know exactly what you want and create a mental image of that desire.

Suffice it to say, you can only become a good drummer, if you march all your ducks toward your firm goal. Put your whole heart into it. Learn to play drums with bulldog tenacity: never give up!

2. Start young (or at least stay young at heart).

Chronological age may influence your pace on how you can learn to play drums faster. Children always experience a sense of wonder when they are introduced to something they have already developed a liking for, thus it makes the process of learning to play drums, easier.

Drum masters, Steve Gadd, Bernhard Perdie, Buddy Rich and Simon Philips all started to learn how to play drums when they were children.

However, advancing age should not stop anyone from learning anything, provided there is the desire to learn it. Obviously, it is a waste of time, effort and resources to pursue something you have no liking at all, or if you are not enthusiastic about it.

3. Learn with Fun.

Simon Philips drummed his way to worldwide acclaim at age 12 when he performed with a jazz band; however, he started learning the basics at age 4, with his toy drums.
Steve Gadd played with older people's drums at age 3, while Bernhard Perdie discovered he wanted to become one of the world's best drummers by beating out his baby rhythms on a makeshift drum.

There was no pressure to excel; it all started with play. Learn to have fun first, and then real learning can begin.

4. Gather what you need.

You need not invest right away on a drum set and just let it gather dust. You can start tapping on chairs and tables, all right; however, if you are resolute to learn to play drums, you should at least purchase your drumsticks, a metronome, ebooks and other reference materials. You may also consider buying a slightly-used drum set to practice on, which is just as useful instead of buying a brand-new set that is more expensive.

5. Create your own support group or team.

Becoming a master drummer may be a lot easier when you build your skill on other people's expertise than to create your own from scratch.

This does not imply you become copy-cats of someone else. Even Masters learned from someone at some point in their careers, and in the process discovered where they were good at. Steve Gadd played with the Dizzy Gillespie when he was starting out, until he mastered his own techniques and became known for his versatility on playing drums.

Simon played and toured with his father's band when he was just 6, same with Buddy Price. Masters became themselves because some people let them.

Find a team of like-minded people you can play drums with; learn from their experience and find out how you can improve on your acquired skill. Develop a level of mastery that is uniquely yours, and become the Master you have always wanted.

Five Ways on How You Can Learn to Play Drums Like the Masters

How To Learn And Play Drums

How To Learn And Play Drums

The drum is the oldest known musical instrument in the history of civilization and its basic design has not changed in thousands of years. Drumming has a profound history as a method of communication, and the drum has an implementation of religious symbolism.

Drums are a lot of fun to play, and every rock or pop band needs them, so drummers are in ever increasing demand. There are different methods on how to learn and play this instrument. Different sized drums and cymbals are arranged into kits, where a drummer can pick from a variety of sounds to lead or accompany a particular song.

For starters, you can read on some basic care for your drum set. This includes setting up the drum kit, caring for the cymbals, and tuning the drums. While thinking of learning to play these one must have these four things:

A pair of drumsticks.
A practice pad which simulate the bounce of an actual drum, and usually have a rubber surface.
A metronome to keep a steady beat. 
Some learning materials.

If someone is thinking of getting a professional help to learn to play this instrument well, they will learn how to set up the new drum kit, basic stick grip tips and techniques, using the kick drum and hi-hat pedals, playing rock and jazz patterns, and using dynamics to make the playing more interesting.

Simple steps to learn to play drums

The first step to do this is by counting. It is said that if you can count to four, you can play the drums. Counting till 4 will be the basis of the beat. Virtually all major rock beats are built around basic 4/4 time signature. It basically means that each measure or bar of music is split into four quarter notes.

Then with the right hand the hi-hat is hit on every count. The hi-hats are the foundation of most basic rock drumming beats as they typically hold a steady pulse while other limbs fill in on the snare and the bass versions. The rest is actually quite simple. Then the bass and snare versions should be added on the counts of 1 and 3 respectively. This will be the basic drum beat.
When the basics are learnt you will be able to see how beats are built around this basic pattern. This is the basics to most rock drumming beats and grooves.

The next step for learning how to play this well is to practice stick control and the rudiments. Drums rudiments help one to build independence and speed. The two most common rudiments are the single stroke roll and the double stroke roll. Since drumming is all about beats and counts, a drummer should be very precise in timing. Timing is a major factor while learning to play drums. A drummer should be able to create the mood and groove for any song, adding fills and accents in to pep things up.


The art of drumming possesses a huge variety of benefits in all aspects of day to day life. Most of the skills and techniques learned with this art can be applied to other situations. Drumming is a good activity for those who love to listen and create music while concentrating on rhythm.

How To Learn And Play Drums

Friday, November 26, 2010

You Want to Play Drums? Here's Where to Start

You Want to Play Drums? Here's Where to Start

So something inside you wants to play drums. You have been inspired by a hero of the sticks or by the band down the pub and you are ready to learn the drums now. In fact you have so much inspiration and motivation right now that you are dizzy with the possibilities of your future as a drummer. Well read through this article and I will show you the early steps and point you to some superb online drum lessons that will have you playing in days.

Early days of drumming

Playing drums is not like playing other musical instrument. You do not have to learn standard music notation but you will soon want to read drum notation. Once you have got over the sheer joy of hitting the skins with your drum sticks you will want to start playing for real. Drum notation is a simple and great way to learn a huge repertoire of rhythms and drum patterns. If you want to play in a grunge or punk band you do not need much skill (Sorry Grungers). But if you want to turn up and play with other musicians easily then you will be learning drum notation. You will also have the respect of the others guys in the band if you have new patterns and ideas to bring to the group.

Physical aspect of learning to play drums

If you are not very fit you will get fit by playing drums. In fact playing drums can be very physically taxing indeed. You will find that you have to pace yourself in the first few weeks. As you build up your stamina you will be able to play for longer and faster. You will also get blisters on your fingers and palms. I'm assuming here of course that you will be playing pop and rock music as this is by far the most popular styles for drummers. If you are playing light jazz or swing music then the physical demands will be much less. You still need to play in time though.

Your first drum kit

Do not by practice pads. Buy a proper drum kit with all the extras you can afford. Invest in a decent snare and set of toms. Just accept the cymbals that come with the kit until you learn more about what you want in a drum kit long term. If you buy a starter kit you will not find it very inspiring to play. You really need a proper kit to get your teeth into. You must have it always set up and ready to go in a room or garage. You should also be planning to play daily to make sure the drum loops you learn become part of you.

You Want to Play Drums? Here's Where to Start

How To Play Drums - Avoid The Pitfalls That Prevent Drummers From Reaching There Full Potential

How To Play Drums 

The problem with many individuals, who want to learn how to play drums, is they do not know where to begin. They are not taking the right approach to learning how to play drums correctly. Many beginner drummers try to play advance drum patterns before learning the basic principles of what it takes to play drums.

There are two ways to how to play drums. You can pay a drum instructor to teach you or you can learn to play the drums on your own. Now, before you consider on paying a drum instructor to teach you, you need to understand that it can cost you to $55 per hour per drum session. Another way you can learn to play drums and save money is on your own.

Learning to play drums on your own is not a hard task. The most important factor on learning on your own is to discipline yourself and develop a daily or weekly routine for your drumming. There is a popular saying most people say " What You Put In, Is What You Get Out Of"! This is very true. The only way to learn and get better is by practicing.

You've probably heard "Practice Makes Perfect"! That is not true. Perfect practices that end with an accomplishment are considered a perfect practice. When practicing on the drums a drummer needs to set mini goals that are reasonable to achieve on what he or she will learn for each practice session. Take your time and focus on what you want to learn first.

Before you even sit on the drums create a schedule on what you want to learn for each practice. Below are some examples to give you an idea what to practice on prior to practicing on drums.
  • How to hit a cymbal the correct way
  • How to maintain tempo
  • How to play double strokes
  • How to play solos
If you want to learn to play as good as a professional drummer you're going to have to dedicate more than just a few hours a week. Don't expect to play like a professional drummer who's been playing six to seven days a week for the past seventeen years by hardly practicing.

Practicing the drums relates to how a professional athlete prepares his or her day in and day out for the sport they play. There is not much difference between a professional athlete and a drummer when it comes to practicing. You are only as good as what you put in.

When I teach students how to play drums, I strongly recommend for them to learn in steps. Sometimes beginner drummers get overwhelmed when trying to play everything at once without knowing how to play, especially if they decide not to learn drum notation. Below are some helpful tips to begin with to speed up the learning process when practicing drums.
  • Drumstick - Buy yourself a name brand drumstick like Pro-Mark, Zildjian or Vic Firth. These drumstick are very sturdy, reliable and durable. Don't settle for cheap drumsticks. They will not last long and it will cost you a lot in the long run.
  • How to hold drumstick - This is a very crucial step because you need to find the right grip that enables you to play comfortably, get the right bounce and maximize the performance of the drumstick.
  • How to start off drumming - Learn to maintain the tempo on the hi-hat with your left or right hand. Start with a basic pattern, keep it simple and don't get ahead of yourself. While playing the hi-hat integrate the bass drum playing a simple bass drum pattern. Last step while playing hi-hat and bass drum integrate the snare into the drum beat.
Applying the simple steps above helps build self confidence. Once you master a drum beat, then you can incorporate the rest of the drum hardware into your drum beat. Never settle on being average. Always strive to be creative and develop your own style of playing the drums. The more time you dedicate to practicing on the drums will make you much better.

In conclusion, take your time when learning how to play drums. Start off with the basic principles until you have mastered the basics. Once you master the basics then you can gradually work on learning the advance. There are many drummers that have not reached their full potential because they try to learn the advanced drumming first rather than learning the basics.

How To Play Drums 

Choosing the Right Drum Practice Pad to Learn How to Play Drums

Learn How to Play Drums

Are you a new drummer or an experienced drummer? How do you know which type of drum equipment to choose, or which brand to you choose? If you are in a high school band, drum corps international (e.g. Blue Devils, Phantom, Santa Clara Vanguard, Cavaliers, Madison Scouts), or just a guy who works in a drum shop, this article is for you! We want you do know how to pick the right drum accessory, or better yet, the right practice pad.

With so many practice pads out there, how do you buy drum pads? To answer this, you need to know the type of drum music you will be playing, the environment you will be playing in, the precise drum equipment you will be playing, and your budget for buying drum a percussion pad.
So what type of practice pads are out there? Well, what do you want the percussion pad to feel like? Do you want it to feel like a bass drum practice pad, snare drum head, tenor practice pad, or just a plain drum practice pad. Is there specific brand that appeals to you like a Remo practice pad (Remo drum pad).

Would you play with a Vic Firth drum stick? Danmark? Don't just look for the average drum for sale. Choose best for your situation. If you can't be serious about that, then join the woodwind and brasswind section. Most people know of Reel Feel by HQ. Other styles are single sided, double sided where one side has a soft rubber and the other is a hard rubber made of neoprene. Drum pads are made different sizes too such 6" and 12." Other types of drum pads are mutes, which are made for drum kits (drum sets) for the drum heads and cymbals. Mutes are made in many different sizes and they make quiet practicing on option on the drum set.

What type of drum music do you play? Do you play Jazz? Are you a Drum Corp guy? Or, are you just learning how to play drum music? You need to know this so that your choice in a drum shop will be intelligent. Don't get a used drum pad. Buy drum pads that are best for your condition of playing.

How about your environment? Where are you practicing? Are you in a garage? Do you play in bedroom? How about at school? That is a funny one, if you are in a high school band, are you learning how to play drums in class? Sometimes drummers tap on their legs while in class. That's detention time my friend. Either way, anywhere, depending on your surroundings, you need to choose a drum pad that best suits your ears, feeling and the one that does not annoy other other drum bum. As most drummers know, there are many types of musical instrument accessory. When it comes to drum pads, there are also many types of drum practice pads.

Finally, what is your budget? Are you willing to spend $10 or $150? Most drum shops who sell single side and double side drum pads offer drum pads at an average of $45.00. You can expect shipping to be around $5-$10 depending on the drum shop and practice pad. Don't buy used drum pads. In addition to drum pads, these drum bum drum shops sell mallet bags, drum videos, drum books, many drum accessory and other drum equipment.

Choose wisely and happy hunting for your favorite drum practice pad.

Learn How to Play Drums

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